One-on-one with Simone Pagotto, Revenue Manager at Smartpricing
In this article, we introduce you to Simone Pagotto, Revenue Manager at Smartpricing

How long have you been working at Smartpricing?
I started working at Smartpricing in October 2021, and since then I have seen the company grow at an exponential rate.
What team are you on (and what do you do specifically) and how does a typical day unfold for you?
I am part of the revenue management team and deal with both the revenue and accounting aspects.
In a nutshell, my team and I take care of the phase after client onboarding.
We usually have an alignment call in the morning where we take stock of the situation.
Then we monitor the facilities and, among others, we have the "review" task: basically making sure that the clients are satisfied with the service and clarifying any doubts or questions.
In my opinion, this is an essential step for the growth and stability of the company.
What skills would you say are necessary to do your job?
First, a lot of mental flexibility: here everything can change quickly, and the more supple you are, the better you work. (The whole part of review and beyond is constantly evolving)
Ability to get out of the classic canon of the revenue manager: in fact, here the main actor is not the person, but the algorithm.
It is "him" at the center of everything, since it does many things that a human (e.g., a consultant) cannot do.
In a nutshell, we do the same things that a revenue manager does, but in a different way: whereas before we used to change prices and rates based on demand, here we anticipate and predict demand and make sure the price is always right.
How does the culture of Smartpricing support you in doing your best?
The fact that the team is united, that there is a spirit of togetherness and sharing, allows you to work in total peace of mind and with a lot of desire to grow.
And such a healthy environment can only push you to always give your best, to give your all.
No wonder the company has grown so much in just a few months!
When people ask you what it is like to work at Smartpricing, what do you say?
Being a part of Smartpricing means working hard, but also having moments of relaxation and fun (for example, during team building).
It means making efforts, going the "extra mile," but also being able to experience the results of your work.
In short, here you will find everything you need to be able to do well and grow both professionally and personally.
What do you like most about Smartpricing? / What surprised you most about Smartpricing?
Definitely the environment and the relationship that has been created with colleagues.
Despite being scattered all over Italia, I see a very close-knit team, and this can only help in working hard and well.
What does Smartpricing have that other companies don't?
The ease with which one can approach anyone.
The fellowship among colleagues (even from different teams).
The respect for people, whether they are customers or employees of the company.
In short, I could spend hours listing how much good there is in this company and it still wouldn't be everything!
Why did you choose Smartpricing?
Before Smartpricing I always found myself in completely different business settings.
Even during my last experience before I got here, I had no way to contact clients.
We were using neither Google Meet nor Slack: total chaos!
Once I found Smartpricing I looked into it, read up a bit and realized right away that this was something different, a very well-built company with excellent growth prospects.
To date, I can say that I could not have made a better choice.
Is there anything you want to add that candidates might want to know?
As of now, I don't know what the future holds for me, but after several experiences in the working world, I can say that I hit the jackpot by joining Smartpricing.
Both on a professional and human level!
If you are looking for a proactive, growth-oriented environment where you can express yourself 100%, this is the ideal place for you.