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Upselling kit: how to sell extra services at all stages of the stay

The guides with the most effective techniques to present your offer to guests and increase sales

Ready-to-use techniques
Practical examples
Ideas to copy

What you will find inside the guide:

  • 1

    Ready-to-use techniques

    Once you have created your upsell offer, the hardest part comes: how do you sell it to your guests in a compelling and effective way? In this kit, you will find techniques and practical examples, from email marketing templates to using Wi-Fi login to present your upsell.

  • 2

    From booking to check-out

    To increase revenue opportunities, your upselling strategy should begin at the time of booking and continue through the end of the stay. The guide provides specific tips and examples to help you guide guests through each stage of the process.

  • 3

    Ideas to copy

    Each property must choose ancillary services and experiences based on its unique characteristics and type of guest, but if you are looking for inspiration, the guides offers creative ideas to upsell and differentiate.

Theory is not enough: Upselling requires a method

The hardest part of upselling is not creating the offer, but understanding how to really sell it. In this guide you will find all the most effective techniques for success: read it now!

Upselling kit: how to sell extra services at all stages of the stay | Smartpricing

Find answers to your questions!

  • Yes, this guide will give you tips on how to present your value-added services and experiences at every stage of the stay, from booking to check-out. Use it to compare your current approach and identify areas for improvement.

  • Of course! The sales techniques presented in the guide involve the use of technology and do not require a constant presence on site or a commitment to interact directly with your guests. This makes it perfect for vacation rentals, short-term rentals, B&Bs, and bed and breakfasts.

  • Yes! The guides in this kit contain upselling ideas that you can use as a starting point to create your own offering. However, if you want to understand how to identify the best services for you and your guests, we suggest you read the article with the 6-step theory to create your offer.