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Novità, interviste ai team member, cultura aziendale: tutto ciò che ruota intorno al mondo Smartpricing.

A tu per tu con Jolanda Campetti, Business Developer DACH in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Jolanda Campetti, Business Developer DACH in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Jolanda Campetti, Business Developer DACH in Smartpricing

Damiano Mastrangioli, Product Manager in Smartpaying

A tu per tu con Damiano Mastrangioli, Product Manager di Smartpaying.

In questo articolo intervistiamo Damiano Mastrangioli, Product Manager di Smartpaying.

Andrea Garganico, Head of Product in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Andrea Garganico, Head of Product in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Andrea Garganico, Head of Product in Smartpricing

Alessio Zanut, Fullstack Developer in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Alessio Zanut, Fullstack Developer in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Alessio Zanut, Fullstack Developer in Smartpricing

Gabriele Tomei, Integrations & Technical Customer Support in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Gabriele Tomei, Integrations & Technical Customer Support in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Gabriele Tomei, Integrations & Technical Customer Support in Smartpricing

Alice Setti, Lead Backend & Devops in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Alice Setti, Lead Backend & Devops in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Alice Setti, Lead Backend & Devops in Smartpricing

Raffaele Spangaro, R&D Manager in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Raffaele Spangaro, R&D Manager in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Raffaele Spangaro, R&D Manager in Smartpricing

Simone Pagotto, Revenue Manager in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Simone Pagotto, Revenue Manager in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Simone Pagotto, Revenue Manager in Smartpricing

Fabio Ferioli, Chief Financial Officer in Smartpricing

A tu per tu con Fabio Ferioli, Chief Financial Officer in Smartpricing

In questo articolo intervistiamo Fabio Ferioli, Chief Financial Officer in Smartpricing

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